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Eco-friendly Gift Ideas For A First-Time Mum
Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate the incredible love and care that mothers give to their children. For first-time mums, this...

6 Ways To Save Money On Energy Bills With These Eco Hacks
With energy bills continuing to rise into 2022, we wanted to share these simples ways to help cut down the amount of energy you use....

Eco-Friendly Christmas Gift Guide
This Christmas, we want to focus on conscious gifting. Let's celebrate buying less and buying better. Each gift has been designed...

4 Ways We Reduce Waste As A Business
We use fabric offcuts to create new products such as our Zero Waste Hair Scrunchies. 2. We partner with local schools to save their paper...

How to Avoid Single Use Plastic
Most of us use plastic items each day and it can be difficult to avoid. Plastic forms part of our daily routine - it's everywhere. It is...

Tips For Using A Solid Dish Washing Bar
Every day around 8 million pieces of plastic end up in the ocean [1] - EVERY DAY! But there is hope, solid dish washing bars cut out the...
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